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Discount Mugs Blog

How Your Sports Team Can Stay Cool During Summer

The hot summer months can impact your team’s commitment and performance. While it is important they work up a sweat during a practice or game, it should not come at the cost of their health and happiness when playing on the field or running on a race track.

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways you can lower your players’ temperature to support their performance and dedication to an activity. Find out how your sports team can stay cool during summer.

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Schools Out for Summer: Wave Farewell to Teachers and Hello to Summer Camp Fun!

School is coming to a close and summer camp is looming! Excitement is building, and parents everywhere are getting prepped for that exciting transition from the classroom to the campground. From thank you gifts through to the best summer games for kids to play, this article is packed full of novel ideas to ensure everyone enters the summer break in top spirits.

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Top 7 Promotional Items to Boost Your Revenue This Summer

While the summer months are traditionally a time when families get to celebrate, rest and spend more time together, this doesn’t always translate as an abundant time for businesses. Unless you’re a fairly new business owner and aren’t exactly sure what to expect this season, I’m certain you’ve been preparing for the unpredictability associated with this time a year. However, I want to tell you there is a lot more you can do to boost your revenue in the wake of the summer solstice. Follow me inside for the top 7 promotional items you can use this period to create more awareness about your brand.

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DiscountMugs Catalog: Shop New Arrivals and The Latest Deals!

Browsing the web in search for the latest trends in promotional items may sometimes feel a little soul crushing. Can you ever be sure you’re getting the right item for your brand? Will your custom giveaways communicate an accurate translation of your message? The uncertainty can make the shopping experience somewhat daunting, but at DiscountMugs we strive to make the process easier. Follow us inside our most current catalog to shop the latest deals, new arrivals and explore market tendencies that can help strengthen your marketing efforts this season.

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How to Have a Successful Mother's and Father's Day

One special occasion that’s celebrated by all is that of Mother’s and Father’s Day. These are very special people to admire and that hold a unique place in your heart so you certainly don’t want to overlook this event. They raised you and made sure you were well taken care of so it’s definitely a time to acknowledge all their hard work.

It makes sense that you want to do what you can to go above and beyond to host a successful day for your mother, father, or parental figure. Part of this entails getting them a gift you know they’ll appreciate and that will cause them to light up when they open it. There are certain steps you can take to help ensure that the event goes off without a hitch and everyone feels pleased and satisfied at the end of the day.

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Gift Ideas That Will Make You Feel Proud to Give

The act of giving and receiving is gratifying, but the process of buying gifts for others does come difficult to some. Group gatherings like a bachelorette party or a corporate outing with employees to help build team dynamics can add to the pressure.

No matter the occasion, a gift is an opportunity to show those close to us we appreciate their company and the joy they add to our lives. When gifting in large volumes you’ll need to take several variables into consideration, and these won’t always match up against one another. However, good news is at DiscountMugs we have a knack for life events such as these.

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All You Need to Know About Wedding Glassware for a Truly Smashing Event

Your wedding day is a time for expressing the love and commitment you have for your partner in front of all your friends and family. It is a time of celebration and togetherness with friends and family who will inevitably, as has been done for centuries, toast the nuptials.

You will surely struggle to recall a wedding you have attended where a glass was not raised to the happy couple at some stage, if not multiple stages, during the celebrations. There was probably wine accompanying your meal, and champagne passed around for speeches; maybe there was even an open bar. Wine, in particular, has featured heavily in celebrations across the world, and holds a deeper symbolic resonance within some religions, in some cases being a feature of the wedding service itself.

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Custom Mugs - Popular Promotional Items, Still?

Mugs have been around for a long time, and as we continue to expand and innovate the question remains. Are custom mugs popular promotional items, still?

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DiscountMugs 2019 Spring Catalog is Here!

Although there’s still snow pilling on some parts of the country, Spring will officially arrive in a little less than three weeks from today. As with all things, there’s a season for new beginnings, and if you haven’t already, it’s time to leave the winter blues behind to start thinking about spring promotion approaches and ideas.

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Say it with… The Ultimate Guide to Wedding Favors

Your wedding day is said to be the most special day of your life. Making an enduring commitment to the one you love. For many, it can also be one of the most stressful! What would that day be without the company of friends and family and the support of your bridesmaids and groomsmen; who have not only come together to help you celebrate your union but have likely played an important part in keeping the bride and groom grounded in the run-up to the big day.

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The Ultimate Valentine's Day Gift Guide

We all speak different emotional languages, and Valentine’s Day is that time of the year when we get to express love in the most thoughtful of ways. We put together the ultimate Valentine’s Day gift guide to inspire, and help you find the perfect gift for the ones you love.

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Keep Warm: DiscountMugs 2019 Winter Catalog is Here

Winter is perhaps the most severe of the seasons (however, depending on where you are, some will argue summer often competes for first place). Nevertheless, there’s something romantic and peaceful about a snowfall, a quiet crystal night and frosty windows, that continues to capture the imagination of humans and influence their behavior.

While it is true that the way we react to our surroundings is in fact determined by our experiences, you can still make the most of the frosty season no matter how icy the plunging temperatures get this year.

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10 Essentials to Keep Teammates Warm and Cozy in the Winter

The winds of winter are here. Long gone are short sleeves and tank tops, and everywhere we go we see layers and sweaters keeping our peers warm during the day. With the season, we can look towards a cozier time indoors but also the opportunity to enjoy outdoor sports games like football and soccer with a more dramatic effect.

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2019 DiscountMugs New Year Catalog!

December is officially here and as hard as it is for some of us to believe, the year is coming to an end. Around this time of the year, most of us reflect on the laughs shared with the ones we care most about and the trying moments that strengthened our relationships. This is also the time to ask yourself questions like where do I want to be in a year from now? Or what do I envision for the future of my business? And what are my plans to get there?

With such questions in mind, and our commitment to empower you to share your message and create lasting impressions, we’re pleased to announce the release of 2019 DiscountMugs New Year Catalog!

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2018 Fall - Winter Season Catalog

Sometimes we get lucky, except if you live in Florida, and can almost touch the change of the seasons. As Autumn rolls in and leaves start to fall, the skies darken, and we can feel the winter winds creep in. Fall – winter promotions are no different. No matter what your advertising needs are, when fall arrives we know winter and the holidays season aren’t far behind. Here’s an overview of our 2018 season catalog! It’s the perfect time to reach out to consumers and get your brand in on the action.

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