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All posts by David Cepeda

10 Essentials to Keep Teammates Warm and Cozy in the Winter

The winds of winter are here. Long gone are short sleeves and tank tops, and everywhere we go we see layers and sweaters keeping our peers warm during the day. With the season, we can look towards a cozier time indoors but also the opportunity to enjoy outdoor sports games like football and soccer with a more dramatic effect.

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12 Church Marketing Ideas to Grow Your Ministry

It may be difficult for some to use “church” and “marketing” in the same sentence. As a religious organization, promotion can seem contradictory to a message of humility and a selfless focus.

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30 Community Involvement Ideas for Businesses

For businesses looking to create involvement within their local community, DiscountMugs has a host of ideas that offer chances to make new connections, drum up traffic, and create a lasting positive impact.

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20 Great Ideas To Increase Staff Engagement

It has been said that adults will spend one third of their work-lives at their job. It makes sense then, for leadership to invest time and energy into making the work environment something their staff enjoys being a part of.

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13 Brilliant Ways To Show Your School Spirit

It’s the big game, the final curtain call, the pep rally for the champions. Students, teachers, administration, and parents all come together to support their school for these big events and the energy in the air can be felt by all. What is this feeling exactly? It’s something called school spirit.

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15 Incredibly Fun Family Reunion Games

Attending a family reunion can be incredibly enjoyable and lots of fun. Getting to catch up with relatives you may not be able to see on a regular basis helps you stay connected to your roots and learn about your heritage.

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15 Amazing Summer Camp Games

Need some inspiration for some games you can play at camp this year? Here’s a round-up of some of the best games to try this summer.

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15 Awesome Gift Ideas For Basic Training Graduates

When you send a family member, friend, or loved one off to Basic Training, and you yourself have never served before, it’s a little difficult to really understand what they are going to experience.

But whether or not you are able to relate to them, you know one thing for sure: they will come back changed, having truly accomplished something amazing in their life.

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10 Awesome Fundraising Ideas for Your Organization

Are you looking for a great fundraiser? There are many options that could be beneficial to your organization. With a little creativity and some man power, you can plan an event that will be fun, exciting, and make money!

Most organizations and causes rely on at least one major fundraiser each year to keep them up and running, so people are used to being asked to donate money to various causes. You can set your fundraising apart with strategic marketing and good planning.

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Twenty-Five Fundraising Ideas for Your College Organization

College students always need money—and college-student led organizations are no different. Sororities and fraternities, along with any college club or organization, are dependent on the generosity of friends, donors, alumni, and faculty to stay open and meet various goals.

Fundraising is the traditional, tried-and-true means to filling the coffers and keeping the lights on, but are you stuck thinking of ideas?

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21 Awesome Customer Appreciation Ideas

If you want to keep customers, it’s time to start thinking outside the box when it comes to showing your appreciation for them. For a customer to know your appreciation is sincere, though, it needs to make sense for your company and your business-customer bond.

Doing the same thing everyone else does may work for short-term goals, but it won’t necessarily keep your customers at your side for years to come. It’s time to get personal and do things that truly show your customers just how important they are, and how much you want them to stick around for the long haul.

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Twenty-Four Game Ideas to Liven Up Your Next Company Party

 When you have a company picnic or outing, part of the planning includes deciding what games to play during the event. After all, you have to have games at a company event. It’s inhuman and un-American not to.

But what to pick? Not everyone likes board games or cards, and those can be impractical (table top space, only so many players, potential for gambling and embezzlement, etc.).

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Take Your Company Picnic From Grim to Great

Company picnics, like company outings, don’t have to be mandatory fun. They can be enjoyable times for bonding and camaraderie ( and more).


As the one responsible for organizing these events, it’s your job to do so in a way that will make people actually want to be there, instead of feeling obligated because “it’s a work thing.” Can this be? Is this really possible? It most certainly is—if you take the time to know your coworkers, put real effort into crafting a quality event, and use some common sense.

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18 Creative Swag Bag Ideas

Having good swag to give away at your event can take the experience off to the next level. I’m talking creative, visually appealing, portable goodies that will imprint your event on the minds of attendees.

Be sure to steer clear of large items that are not portable. Most people travel for events and will have minimal space to take loot home in. If you avoid these fails, your guests will not be heading to the waste basket after getting their goody bag.

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14 Ways to Use Storytelling in Your Marketing

Any business can venture in advertisement. But, what is the point of advertising if you don’t give your audience something to take away from it? If it’s not memorable, it’s pointless.

Are your potential customers going to be more interested in a running list of your services, or would they rather see a service or two in action, so they know what you can do for people like them?

This is why telling a story can make the difference between memorable, and not-so-memorable, marketing. Your audience wants to feel important, like you understand them. They want personal and emotion-provoking. This is what makes them interested in your business.

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