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Discount Mugs Blog

Inside 5 Perfect Tote Bags for Work

Packing the perfect tote bags for work may come difficult to some – especially women who are undeniably at the mercy of fashion and lack the comfort and convenience of pockets. However, gender differences have come to a halt in recent years, and even men can be seen carrying purses and handbags to simplify their lives. More so than a fashion statement, work bags are becoming a necessity. Often, employers will recommend that employees take laptops, tablets and other devices with them back home and/or on the go, therefore making work bags another space where the consequences of gender differences are challenged by the modern world.

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DiscountMugs 2018 Spring Catalog is Here

Although summer, winter, and fall season have a magic of their own, spring is hands down the most lovable of all four. For starters, the weather finally reaches moderate temperatures and sets the stage to transition from the harsh cold to sunny beach days and outdoor fun. Days become longer, the birds return from their winter migration, and there are baby squirrels and bunnies everywhere. Are you not convinced yet? Here’s a bonus: Our Spring Catalog is also on its way out to you!

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DiscountMugs 2018 Winter Catalog is In

The leafs on our trees are long gone, and snow covers inches of our streets, but DiscountMugs’ winter catalog is officially here and out on its way to your mailbox!

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'Tis The Season to Give a Little and Mean a Lot

We all dream of making a difference and changing the world. The little girl playing doctor with younger siblings or stuffed animals, and the little boy rushing with a garden hose to put out a fire only fairies and golems can see. Somewhere along the way, we alienate ourselves from the invisible web connecting us to existence and become engulfed in living our own lives.

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DiscountMugs 2017 Fall Catalog is In!

If you have ordered from us before, you know that at DiscountMugs we had moved away from the classic mail piece. However, after a 3 year hiatus, we are proud to announce that we’re officially back in the mail with a Fall Catalog that’s here to stay!

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12 Church Marketing Ideas to Grow Your Ministry

It may be difficult for some to use “church” and “marketing” in the same sentence. As a religious organization, promotion can seem contradictory to a message of humility and a selfless focus.

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Riedel 101: 10 Things We Love About It's Fine Craftmanship

At DiscountMugs we’re really passionate about the products we present to our customers, and we’d never dream of having it any other way. We carry some of the biggest names in the industry, and far from being superficial, we simply look at ways to improve so you can continue to trust us. We recently partnered with Riedel Glassware, and following are ten reasons why we love it.

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Hurricane Irma Disaster Relief - DiscountMugs Partners with GlobalGiving

As most of you know, DiscountMugs headquarters is located in Miami. A place known for its vibrancy, welcoming community and where all things are possible, the heart of South Florida was affected by one of the most powerful and destructive hurricanes to have been observed in our recent history.

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5 Personalized Photo Gift Ideas for That Special Someone

Most professionals today agree that improving our communication can help nurture the quality of our relationships, but expressing love and appreciation to a special someone isn’t always an easy task. For some people it is easy to let their heart speak and uplift others with a smile. But when showing we care doesn’t come as naturally it helps to create a sequence of goodness and turn to the art of gifting. Seeing a smile on the face of someone we love brings happiness and warmth in return.

Here are 5 personalized gift ideas for those who like to give:

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6 Monogrammed Gift Ideas for Any of Your Special Occasions

Celebrating the milestones of the people in your life is just and necessary. Special events like a wedding, or engagement, birthday, anniversary or graduation call for thoughtful and unique gifts that really demonstrate how much you care about them. Finding perfectly personalized gifts, on the other hand, is not as easy as it sounds. Gifts that truly resonate with the recipient must carry a message that speaks from the heart, sets itself apart from other presents, and inspire everyone around to bring a little more beauty into their life.

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15 Incredibly Fun Family Reunion Games

Attending a family reunion can be incredibly enjoyable and lots of fun. Getting to catch up with relatives you may not be able to see on a regular basis helps you stay connected to your roots and learn about your heritage.

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15 Awesome Gift Ideas For Basic Training Graduates

When you send a family member, friend, or loved one off to Basic Training, and you yourself have never served before, it’s a little difficult to really understand what they are going to experience.

But whether or not you are able to relate to them, you know one thing for sure: they will come back changed, having truly accomplished something amazing in their life.

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3 Ways Fidget Spinners Can Help Promote Your Business

You’ve seen and heard it all – the good, the bad, the funny. And now, the craze that’s shaking our generation is finally made into the industry you understand well in and out. Fidget spinners, the hottest toys in town, are sparking a conversation you’ll want to join. Studies suggest the attention span of the average person has decreased with the digital age and let’s face it, online advertising has made it all the more complicated and confusing. But the fidgeting device psychologists argue can help kids focus on their school work, can also help you gain the attention of your customers.

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Inside The World of DiscountMugs

A lot goes into the process of finding and shopping for promotional products. An effective form of advertising, recipients of giveaway items will have an immediate reaction to your brand - giving you advantage over other competitive industries. This is where DiscountMugs comes in! We're here to help you share your message with lasting impressions.

Staying in your comfort zone isn't the safe thing to do these days. But don't worry, we won't leave you to wonder what kind of imprint method is right for you. Follow us inside our world to find out more about what makes us who we are, and the kind of groundbreaking imprint technology we have to offer!

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10 Steps to Planning The Perfect Walkathon

Planning on hosting a walkathon to raise money for your church, school, foundation or other organization? What a great idea!

There are many things to consider when taking on a fundraiser, but the result of all your planning and hard work will be well worth it. A walkathon can be very profitable and get people excited about the event and your cause!

Read on and consider these ways to make your walkathon go more smoothly, be more exciting for volunteers and participants, and maximize your ability to raise funds!


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