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3 Effective Online Storytelling Ideas to Share Personal Success Stories

Have you ever been touched by a story you heard about a product, one that influenced the lives of those who used it? So many brands around the world have built their success on the foundation of storytelling. At times, a product that helps solve a problem or benefits the customer is the reason why a business becomes passionate about what they do. The story gives purpose not only to the product itself, but to the company as a whole. Sharing your personal story is a great start to branding and conveying the role your business plays in society.

Ideally, a compelling anecdote can drive a person to follow your brand and spread the word about it! Sharing stories is easier than ever these days, with the likes of Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. These platforms provide users with highly creative ways to get their message across. And with so many different ways to get the word out, you can’t go wrong by turning to the internet to boost your presence in the lives of potential clients or customers. We have three influential ways you can share personal stories about your business with your followers and fans!



Hold a Photo Contest

There’s always a competitive spirit that lives in the heart of your passionate customers, why not ignite that passion with a way to get them sharing! Photographs are a wonderful and unique way to share a story. On the social media outlet of your choice, hold a contest that invites your customers to upload an image that represents how your product has changed their lives. The winning customer can have their story featured on their website, which will certainly drive them to submit their best photograph. Specific guidelines and rules for the project will challenge and excite fans of the camera lens! By asking your customers to share their story, simultaneously your business shows a special interest in not only their purchases, but also the way they use your product. You can ask your users to use a certain hashtag, where you can track the progress of your competition, and provide them with a way to see how their peers benefit from your product, too.


Guest Blog Posts

Sometimes when a picture isn’t enough, words fill in for what can’t be conveyed in pixels. If your company has a blog that posts regularly, you can spice up the cadence with a personal piece written by a customer! No matter how large or small the product or service, people are touched by stories that focus on how their lives have changed with the presence of your company. Even product reviews provide insight and praise for your brand. Customers who are happy with your services are more than likely to leave positive comments on your website, so why not turn to them for an elaboration on their personal experience with your brand? Invite satisfied reviewers to write a blog post that discusses how your business brings them success. A personal story has the potential to bring awareness to your company, and anyone who can relate to that story may find it compelling enough to become a fan of your business.



Vlogging (video blogging) is all the rage amongst fitness trainers, artists, athletes and chefs. They provide their own content in the form of short videos that hold the viewer’s attention. What’s unique about this kind of content is that it can educate your viewers in a way that images and words cannot! You can easily do the same for your business by posting your very own. Film a short and concise piece that conveys your corporate philosophy, and highlight the reason behind what brings loyal customers or clients. You can do this in the form of an interview, with a question-and-answer format that provides the viewer with an intimate perspective on the ways your company brings meaning to your patrons. In a similar manner that movies drive people to join certain causes, your short video could motivate someone to investigate how your business could benefit their own life. If the interview style does not fit your brand, you can film your customers using your product or services. This is a great way to show the community your purpose as a business, as videos provide multiple facets that they could relate to – whether it‘s the employment of the subject, their geographical location or their age, viewers will be touched by at least one aspect of your video.  



Success is inherently satisfying, but when you share it with your community, business can thrive. Ultimately, you send a positive message to your customers by cherishing how they incorporate your product or service into their work and down time. There are so many creative ways you can convey personal stories in the form of pictures, blogs and videos. You never know who you may influence, which is why we invite you to share your personal story with us! Has a product of ours changed the way your business works, travels or plays? You can submit your personal story as an image, video, or text for a chance to have it shared on our website or social media outlets! If you have more ideas on how to share personal success stories that tie to your business, please write your thoughts in the comments below.


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About the Author Roxana Clares

Roxana Clares is a product specialist and content marketing manager for DiscountMugs. She is passionate about content creation that adds value and creative insight to an online audience, and believes in the importance of data to improve content marketing strategies. Roxana is the author of the DiscountMugs blog series.

Roxana Clares